Lumikha Arts Showcase - We Are Here
^Artwork by E-man Zaleta Mariategue
Through adversity. Through challenges. Through doubt. We Are Here. This theme shines a light on minority and Filipino artists who continually 'show up' each day to create. They craft their stories with each brush stroke, light, verse and rhythm. Their art defines who they are, where they've come from, and where they are going. This showcase aims to immerse the audience in a one-of-a-kind living and breathing arts experience, highlighting the rich talent that already exists in Houston. We Are Here. tells these artists' unique stories of who 'we' are and how 'we' got here. Tipping our hats to the past and delving into the present, our theme, We Are Here., also calls on our guests to consider -- 'Now what?' Through happenstance. Through creativity. Through curiosity. You are here. Now what?
ARtists & Performers:
UniPro firmly believes there is no single path to building, strengthening and empowering a community. The Arts Showcase aims to inspire guests to utilize their own individual interests to affect their communities -- whether it be art, music, food, math, science -- those interests can be a way to create change. Our team has carefully selected these artists to showcase how their passion is doing just that. It is through experiencing these artists' stories and sharing others that we build 'Kapwa' -- 'togetherness' -- a Filipino value at the core of this event. We Are Here.